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Born in the Fire

I have started reading a book called Born in the Fire. It’s about the birth of the apostolic church in Wales and the UK. I love books like this because the account of what happens when people simply yield everything stirs me to the core of my being. Many movements in the past century were birthed in fire and as a result the church grew numerically and in the Deep things of God. Many revivalists were ultimately born in or influenced by the fire that burned in wales and took the Pentecostal message across the planet.

The question I’m pondering today is what will happen in our generation. Who will yield all to see the dream of God birthed in our day. God has a dream for an Ekklesia full of authority, power Glory and fire. But are we willing to give up everything to see this? Do we want that same fire that our forefathers and mothers walked in? I don’t know about you but I am fed up of mere talk and hype, I want the real fire that changes everything!


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Sep 13, 2023

Is the book you were reading “Born i n the fire” available on Amazon? Gave you ever attended a church in Tampa Florida by the name of The River?

Sep 15, 2023
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I haven't been to the river no but would love to go sometime. I'm not sure if that book is on Amazon


Sep 12, 2023

The other night at a prayer meeting, the Holy Spirit asked "How much do you want Me?" While we were thinking how to answer Him, He asked, "Do you want Me to come to help you with what you are already doing, so that you might do it with more power?" Horrified, we said quickly, "No!! No!! We want You to have full liberty to do whatever You want!" He then said, thoughtfully, "That is very costly." After thinking this over, we answered, "It is more costly to not have You in our midst, and have to labour to do the work of the Lord in our own strength. This is a price that we cannot pay!"

Sep 15, 2023
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Absolutely awesome friend

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