Stevie Mckie @ The Nature Of Zion – The Nest Conference 2018
In this series of 3 messages spoken at the Nature Of Zion – The Nest Conference 2018, Stephen shares…
Session 1 – Living from the Holy of Holies
In this session, Stephen shares about His journey that took him deeper into intimacy with the Lord and explains the process we must go through to live from the Holy of Holies.
Session 2 – Mount Zion
In this session, Stephen shares about a generation that is rising on the earth who will and are beginning to engage Mount Zion (the governmental arena of God) like never before. If we are going to walk in true authority and power then we must learn how to engage Zion – God’s Holy mountain.
Session 3 – Becoming a Christ Man
In this session, Stephen shares about how we must become a Christ man, one who is walking in the full stature of Christ. Many are keen to see regions and nations changed by the power of the gospel but unless we become Christ-like the power and authority we walk in will be limited. It is time to engage Christ until we become like Him.